Wednesday, June 17, 2009


OK I am going to admit that I have watched Jon and Kate plus 8. Not recently, but in the remote past. I mainly watched so I could be mesmerized by her organizational skills. We had one similarity, I am a nurse and she used to be one once upon a time . Seemed intriguing enough. Well, so I thought. Silly me.

I came home the other day and said to Coleman "If Jon and Kate can get a divorce that means we could too." Stupid I know, but I often think we have more similarities than just the nurse thing. Coleman said I got my hair cut like her. Whatever. Sometime I feel like her. Evil!!!!!!!!

Coleman is awesome as I have written ad nauseum , but it goes beyond that. I feel I slack in my duties as a wife and a mother. This man cooks. cleans, does laundry and seems to be the only one that meets the criteria to get up with my daughter if she should awaken in the night.

So, what do I offer I ask? What do I bring that is so rare that he could find it it no one else you ask? Ready wait for it. I live with him a cow field away from his mother. No, just joking kinda.

The answer is that I love that man. I treasure him. I appreciate him. I love the way my daughter says "Don't talk to my Daddy like that." I love the way he knows the best and worst of me and has not run for the hills. I guess I just love him, all of him.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Well, it has been quite a while since my last post. Mostly I write when I feel angry or irritable. Thus, the no writing. Well. leave it to Walmart to invoke feelings in me that must be put on paper so to speak.
I WILL NEVER GO TO WALMART AT 12 midnight again. One would think it may be a quick in and out. Slip in right after work. Yeah, no!! The computers switch over at midnight and that takes about 20 mins. The guy in front of me had to return a multitude of random items, a prepaid phone, a printer, DVDs. Whatever. Really? You decided now that these things were not what you needed? Not his fault. The woman had no clue, telling the man he would have to return in the morning to return electronic devices. Not his fault, he was pleasant enough. We talked a bit. I think he was sweet on me just kidding he was like 18.
On to my next issue. WHY? Why do you take children to Walmart at 1:00 am? Why are there babied crying? Do children not sleep? I forget that there are people like my little brother that could care less about their children and they just roll whatever the hour. To all of those parents, I say YOU SUCK!!!!!!!
A pleasant note. I did randonly see some people that I love. I love talking with them. They are like my family and I miss them. I wish I could see them more but have been blessed enough to see them twice in one week. They made my midnight jaunt worth it!!