So, I have for a while been feeling jittery, out of sorts and on edge. I have blamed this on many things. I will say that I am stressed out, that I don't get enough time to just stop and think. I have also put a lot of the blame on other people. I have become very disgruntled at work, constantly complaining and even going as far as to look for another job.
Well, Sunday it hit me like a ton of bricks. GOD spoke to me. Not directly to me, but through someone and it became clear to me that the problem was within me. My heart has not been pure. My tongue has been the vessel that has been bringing these feelings upon me. I have begun a "tongue fasting." I have been reading the Bible but recently picked up this book that is about helping you tame your tongue. It is scripture based and very relevant and helpful. It is helping me to understand the teachings of Jesus better.
There are new feelings erupting inside of me. I feel invigorated, alive and very capable of changing. I have realized that I have been self absorbed and not looking to GOD for answers. I am hopeful, optimistic and convinced more than ever that GOD is real and loves me.
the scratch
9 months ago