So, I have not blogged in a while. Here goes.
The summer has been trucking along and I have been in a funk. This funk seems to have started after we got back from our trip to the beach. It was so carefree and I felt so relaxed at the beach. I felt good physically too! That may have had something to do with Coleman’s favorite punch. Just kidding! My sister who takes a trip to TN every other week say she does it just to escape. She says things are different when you are in a different place. Well, whatever. That is not an option for people who live in the real world and actually pay a mortgage and have an ounce of responsibility. So, I will have to find a way to de-funk right here.
My mood further deteriorates a week before “my cycle.” I’m talking like Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I honestly don’t see how Coleman and Emily can stand being around me. I am almost too much for myself.
Compounding my funk is the fact that my hip has been killing me. I have arthritis and have been diagnosed since I was 22. Well, I joined the gym and have been exercising. I have honestly been trying to lose weight and help alleviate some of the discomfort on my own. Turns out I have been doing more harm than good. I have actually pulled the muscle in my hip and some Dogie Houser MD tells me to stay out of work for 2 weeks and use crutches. The staying home thing, no problem. Crutches, um no. I can’t do it. He then proceeds to tell me I am severely overweight and need to lose 60 ponds. Excuse me? Did you say 60? I don’t think that I would even look recognizable if I lost that much. I ask how he would like me to exercise if he says that I can’t use weights or any equipment. He says these are all bad on my joints. He says long term I should try swimming and that I could lose the weight on diet alone. The jerk tells me “Next time pick the 12 oz steak instead of the 16.” Talking about pissed.
Okay now I am going to let it all go. This is where I am going to put things in perspective. I should suck it all up. Stop pouting, stop complaining. Think of the things that I do have and stop focusing on negative things. This is when I need those people in my life who really care about me to tell me when I am being unreasonable and a tool. Just don’t let me get away with things.
I am thankful first for having my husband and daughter. Some of my friends and family have lost both. Who am I to complain about trivial things when they have experienced such a loss. I am thankful that my husband is a kind man that never judges me, never demands or makes me feel inferior. We are a team and a great one, I think. Marriage is a wonderful, sacred thing. Too many people today think of it as disposable. Some think of husbands and even children like the latest accessories. No different than their Suburban or the newest flat screen TV. Those things all lose their shine and luster. Well marriage isn't about shine and glitz. It is about two people who have chosen to share their lives together. It is more than the church, the dress, the official paper. It is about the commitment to each other and to GOD. If you remember what brought you two together, reminisce about when you first met, those butterflies, although not fluttering wildly are still there. When you look at him on a tractor with an old hat after 10 years and think “Damn, he’s hot.,” that passion is still there.
Okay, I’m rambling, But my point is I am looking at the blessings in my life and being thankful. I am thinking that if Coleman and I show Emily that we love each other, she will see what love is and what a marriage should be. I am done for now!
the scratch
9 months ago
1 comment:
I sure would like to see Coleman on a tractor ;)
great thoughts!
can't wait to see you!
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