Anyone who knows me knows of my love for Fall and Halloween. My house will be all aglow in pumpkins and orange lights soon. It excites me to think of it. I always have a big party for the kiddos. I have been resisting the urge to decorate already. My friend has convinced me to wait til at least Sept. first. I even have a black Halloween tree and have amassed quite a collection of ornaments.
Well, my husband knows of my love and indulges me a bit. He says nothing when he pulls out all the totes for my decorating as some would do for Christmas. I also decorate a lot for Christmas. I have always loved those old ceramic Christmas trees with the little bulbs you stick in them. They are handmade and hard to come by. One Christmas Coleman's parents gave me one and it made me cry. I had been looking for one for years. Yesterday I spotted a Halloween one on an auction It took my breath. The detailing was impeccable and could be used for fall and Halloween. The bid started out at $25 and was quickly rising. Last night my husband says put this amount in. I cannot type it or speak it. He said if you win it for that I will help you get it. Help me get it. Does that give you an idea of the kinda dough we are talking. I put the bid in and then wanted to throw up. Coleman assured me that I would be outbid in the last few minutes. Fast forward to tonight. I was outbid and I thought that punk(the other person bidding). I will bid one more time. Never say one more time. not for bidding, not for gambling, nothing. So, I won and will soon be the proud owner of the prettiest fall/ Halloween tree I have ever seen and I am going to throw up. So should you happen yo my house this season, LOOK BUT DON'T TOUCH. It will be in the glass case for display purposes only.
I will hold your hair back Sabrina! Well done you!
Thank you I have been feeling so bad for getting it but I may keep it up all year and if you lived closer, I would take you up on that.
you're a nut. I love you :)
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