Thursday, September 4, 2008

Free Children?

On labor day my husband, my daughter and I went to the local park to play and wade in the river. There were various gatherings there. As we approached the swings a little boy no more than 2 1/2 came up to my little girl with a stick holding as to mimic a gun and started saying" bang bang." After my husband politely steered him away from this behavior he commenced to throw sand in our eyes. All the while a group of people, amongst which I suppose was a parent of sorts blindly went about their festivities. We stopped this behavior and along came his sister who she informs us is 5. Mu husband and daughter and made a fast exit and were headed downstream. The little girl asked me to push her on the swings. I called out to the group asking if it was OK if picked the girl up and put her on the swings. I heard someone yell "yeah." Well then the former pistol packing fella wanted a turn. Before you knew it I was pushing both of the kids on the swings and my family was somewhere else playing. After a few minutes passed I informed the kids I had to leave to go get my little girl. They started to whine and were almost in full blown tears when I left. Anyone else see anything wrong with this picture? Can someone please tell me why we have to pay in upwards of $20,000 to adopt children when there are some many that parents would give away for free? This absolutely infuriates me. I want more children and have been trying for 1 1/2 years to have another. I cannot afford the costly measures to have one naturally and adoption is even more expensive. Is this fair?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Sabrina babylifts.

No really, I get it.