This past week has been full of moments. We took out little girl who is almost three to see her 1 st movie. We went to see Kung Fu Panda. She made it thru a full hr of the movie. I think that was awesome. She only went to potty 6 times. She loved the pink glow of the lights in the bathroom. She had some Reeses Pieces. As we were sitting there I couldn't help but think of my friend J. She recently lost her husband and took her two little boys to see the same movie. She talked about how she used to hold hands with her husband during movies but now wouldn't have that chance. I reached over and held C's hand a little tighter. I am trying to think about what I have and treasure each moment. we get lost in ourselves, in life, in the mundane. I try not to forget that I am blessed beyond belief.
Another moment. My best friend M was pregnant with her first child. I got the call that she was in labor early Friday morning. So after a long day of laboring I went to see her. She was 9 cm and heavily under the effects of an epidural and sleep deprivation. She was asleep most of the time I was there. I was looking at the contraction monitor and saw that there was just one continuous contraction. I told her to get the nurse to check her. when the nurse came in she was laying on her side. After checking her the nurse said, "We need to get her on her back." When we rolled her to her back on pulled her legs up there was the head. After a couple more pushes I could see even more. Then the evil doctor kicked me out saying only two people could stay. What a beautiful thing. A little later I got to see a beautiful baby boy. 9 lbs 12 ounces 23 inches long. The same weight as E.
To quote the lovely movie Kung Fu Panda and the wise Oogway "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift, that's why it's called the present." Enjoy life for today.
the scratch
9 months ago
1 comment:
I love your blog!!
and yep, you made me cry!!!
can't wait to read more!!
love you!
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