Friday, December 26, 2008

A Christmas to Remember

Well, this has certainly been a Christmas to remember. We have all been sick for weeks. We didn't get to go see lights or visit with friends or family. We have spent the last few weeks with vomiting, diarrhea and traveling with Emily to and from the doctor. She has been extremely ill. She has lost a lot of weight and is just now eating, We even got to go to the doctor on Christmas Eve for an impromptu chest xray to rule out pneumonia. What fun! We missed the annual Christmas eve dinner at C's uncles house. C's Dad got sick the day before and we have yet to see them. Emily can't take getting sick again. We normally have Christmas breakfast at my house with his parents. Not this year. Just me, Em and C. Em was in no mood. So, we haven't seen any of our family. I thank you K for being my shoulder to cry on during this crazy time. So this Christmas was not what I planned or intended but I am thankful for having my husband and daughter by my side. I am praying for Em and C's dad to continue getting better. Thanks to all of you who called about Em!

1 comment:

Jill said...

oh yikes!
I'm sorry to hear that the sickness held on through Christmas. :(
I hope that you guys can have a re-take day soon!