These are a few things that Em has said lately that have really warmed my heart and made me laugh
When shopping she asked for this stuffed dog. I had said no repeatedly when finally she asked in her sweet little voice," Oh mom it pleases my heart if you get me that dog. Oh please." Needless to say she got the dog. Where she got that saying from I will never know, but if something pleases your heart , who can argue with that.
Em has been wearing pull ups to bed at night until recently. We stopped putting them on her and told her only babies wore them and she was a big girl now. She tells me the other night," I am ready for one of those things that goes in between your legs." I asked her what she was talking about. She went on to explain that she was a woman now and she needed a pad to go in her underwear like I used. Oh my, how fast they grow. One day they are going poo in their diapers, the next we are sharing feminine products.
Another time she walked out of the bathroom, tampon in hand and told her Dad,"I can't wait till I can use these." Oh trust me girl, wait as long as you can.
the scratch
9 months ago
1 comment:
haha. she's a trip. :)
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