Sometimes in the middle of a group of people I feel alone. I feel they don' t get me, they don't see me. I see them, I definitely don't get them and for the most part I don't want to know them. I don' t want to know the people who talk about being Chrisitians and then send a chain letter around facebook asking GOD to please let the president die. These are the people I deal with on a daily basis . Is there any wonder I have some issues with organized religion?
This occurs at work, in random settings whenever. It's not that I feel a disconnect from my family, my family being Coleman and Emily. They are my world. If I didn't have Coleman to keep me sane I don't know where I would be. He is my everything. My partner, my friend , my lover, my confidant, but he also has to deal with all my emotional crap. My " family", mother, sister, brother, is otherwise unavailable for the most part. No weekend to discuss your week or give each other much needed hug. None of that. Missed calls, random text messages, some good karma sent of face book. Whatever that it supposed to mean. Damn, I hate Facebook I don't tell people anymore about what is going on in my life. The only people that care are the ones living it. I am not bitter this week, only seeing that in this day in age people are wrapped up in themselves.
The word family is used when it is convenient and not messy and when a Christmas present is involved. So, Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday and whatever greeting and salutations are cordial and appropriate for "families." Oh I forgot all of those should be directed to face book. Are funeral announcements the next thing to be posted on face book? Just wondering?
Tonight I pray. I pray that GOD will help me find my way and guide me and I also thank him for his many blessings in my life and that I might focus on those and let these little things become nothings.
the scratch
9 months ago
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