I am quite frankly tired of hearing everyone around me talk about the state of the economy and who is to blame. People say it is Bush, the Republican, the Democrats, the
walstreet tycoons, but yet no one seems to see the obvious. We are responsible. We, the greedy people of the United States. TLC and
HGTC are to blame. Everything has consequences. The 30 some things or our country are to blame. We have grown accustomed to absurd things. We expect things that are frivolous and unnecessary. How many of us have been watching one of those stupid home makeover shows and heard someone respond to a brand new kitchen by saying “We would totally have to redo everything. We need granite and stainless appliances.” Um, no. You don’t need those things. Do they add genuine value to your life. Do they make your kids look back and say “Gee my childhood was awesome. I has granite
countertops.“ I think not. Why does everyone expect to dry huge SUV’s but seem surprised when they amass a huge sum on credit card because they can’t afford the gas? Why do families of 4 think they need 3400 sq. feet? Why do mothers have children but think it is someone else’s responsibility to raise them? We as a nation have shown that material things and status are what is important. It is more important to sign our 3 year
olds up for all these cute programs so we look involved than spend some quality time with them. I don’t mean to rant and I am not in any way blameless. I have done my part to contribute to this period of disarray, but I do know what is important to me. It is not granite counter tops, Vera Bradley bags, zip codes where you lives, designer clothes, fancy play groups, immaculate houses, or self absorbed people. The things that are important to me are my freedom, my family, my friends, GOD, being kind to others, and living in a country where I am able to say all of this.